Dankenswerter Weise hat das “Myrtlefield House” (Belfast), die gemeinnützige Organisation, die die theol. Werke von Prof. D.W. Gooding (und teilw. von Prof. J. Lennox) herausgibt, in den letzten Wochen wieder richtig viel eingestellt und nebenbei die Webseite auf Vordermann gebracht.
Lohnt sich nicht nur wegen der kostenlosen Downloads:
- 5. Psalmbuch: Der Messias
“How is it that many of the psalms, and many of the other Old Testament passages, come to be a pre-figurement of the Messiah? Because the Messiah existed before they were written. The great plan of redemption that you find in that Old Testament scripture came from our blessed Lord in his pre-incarnate days. He was the Word of God, the root of David! He designed that David should be. He moved in history until David came. He sustained David and made him the very conqueror and deliverer of Israel who delivered Israel from her enemies and brought her to be one of the leading nations of the day. It was the Word of God, the second person of the Trinity, who designed David and designed his history. He designed it in such a way that, in the end, it should be a picture of a greater than David—David’s greater son—the Messiah himself.”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/449/studies-in-the-fifth-book-of-psalms
- Apostelgeschichte: true to the faith
Alec Motyer’s review states: “Happy are those (and surely they will be many) who ‘catch the bug’ of Bible analysis from David Gooding. I commend his book on Acts not only for its intrinsic worth (pure gold!) but as an example to follow and a standard to which to aspire.”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/book-series/expositions/books/4/true-to-the-faith - Genesis 12-50: das Leben der Patriarchen
“Have you ever wanted to delve deeper into the life of Abraham? Do you ever wonder why God tests our faith? Dr. Gooding’s teaching on Genesis 12-50 will help you deepen your understanding on both of these fronts.”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/417/family-life-with-abraham-and-jacob - Exodus: Ende der Sklaverei
From: No Longer Bondmen – Studies in Exodus
“What stirring moments they are when, with your Bible in hand and lost to the world, you begin to read that glorious gospel of those wonderful days when the Word pitched his tent among us. – David Gooding”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/197/no-longer-bondmen - Judas: Wie Religion in die Irre geht
From: The Epistle to Jude: How Religion Goes Wrong
“The word of the Creator will not restrict your thinking; it will enlarge your mind with thoughts as big as God himself, as big as eternity. – David Gooding”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/266/the-epistle-of-jude - Schöpfung: über Kosmolgie, Biologie und die Grundlage der Moral
From: Creation’s Voice Proclaims
“What an astounding thing, verging on the incredible, that the Creator and sustainer of the universe should be interested in us. – David Gooding”
download: http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/352/creationrsquos-voice-proclaims - und mehr: Könige
http://www.myrtlefieldhouse.com/en/resource/353/apostasy-and-revival-in-the-books-of-kings - Allgemein:
Weitere Links auf Myrtlefield / Gooding auf brink4u.com:
- Apostelgeschichte
http://www.brink4u.com/2015/10/07/myrtlefieldhouse-und-d-gooding-immer-wieder-lesenswert/ - Ostern
http://www.brink4u.com/2017/04/28/nachlese-zu-ostern-2017/ - Errettung
http://www.brink4u.com/2016/08/24/d-w-gooding-the-saving-and-losing-of-a-soul/ - Christentum
http://www.brink4u.com/2016/07/03/the-definition-of-christianity/ - Gottes Charakter im Evangelium
http://www.brink4u.com/2016/07/03/the-glorious-gospel-of-the-blessed-god/ - Stiftshütte
http://www.brink4u.com/artikel/bibel-at/stiftshuette-bilderbuch-des-evangeliums/ - Hermeneutik (AT/NT)
http://www.brink4u.com/2015/06/17/hermeneutik-links/ - Bildnachweis: Myrtledield-House auf: https://www.facebook.com/MyrtlefieldHouse