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Michael Card über Begriffsbestimmungen …: Kontext, Kontext, Kontext!

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A Note from Michael
I experienced a brief delay in working on the new hesed book and that was a detour into the question of how we understand the meaning of language. It has been a fascinating time of learning for me. Basically what I have come to understand is that simply looking a word up in a dictionary is not how we really perceive its meaning. I had discovered this on my own as I continually looked to more and more Hebrew dictionaries for the meaning of hesed. I thought that was the way to build up the best understanding. James Barr’s book, The Semantics of Biblical Language, showed me that context is the way we understanding the meaning of language. I can look up the word “key” in a dictionary, but I don’t really understand the meaning until I look at the context, because “key” has several meanings. (As do most words.) So, to truly understand hesed I need to look at the contexts of its 250 occurrences in the OT. The really good news… thats what I was already doing in the first place!


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