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Michael Card über die Verlorenheit der Welt

A Note from Michael

This morning I read about a nanny in Russia who decapitated the small child she was charged with taking care of. She walked around outside holding up the head and shouting. Everyday there is some new horror, some new outrage. Trying to follow the election in our own country is best described as “crazy-making.” The world seems to be guttering out.The world is lost, it has departed from the truth and is on a collision course with death.

There are two major misunderstandings, it seems to me, that might tempt us to lose hope right now. The first is the failure to realize that world has already been lost. It is no less “lost” at the moment than it has ever been, and no less crazy. Even a casual flipping thru any history book will confirm this.

The second misunderstand that leads us to lose hope is that there is no one who has the power to make things right. To a lost world Jesus says “I am the way.” To a world that has departed from the truth, Jesus says, “I am the Truth.” And to a world that is on a collision course with death, Jesus says, “I am the Life.”

Our feeling of hopelessness is in direct proportion to our loss of connection with Jesus. Go back and look at the Gospels. Find a church that preaches the fact that there still is a very real hope in Him. If you’ve already found one, invest yourself there.Those of you who know me know that I don’t often preach like this. I suppose this morning, after seeing that nanny, I needed to
hear it myself.

Grace and Peace,

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